Bugger. Getting "Stale NFS file handle" errors. Both ends are using V3. And I thought I was so close. It seems random, occurring at different files each time, usually while copying /ref/etc/* to /etc in my /init script. Is it verboten to mount filesystems on top of an nfs root?
No more news from our boy in Philly. He's not checking my website much either, unless he's using a proxy. Must be working on another scam somewhere; I wish ebay would let you use the power of the google search engine on their auctions, and search completed auctions (which you can do only by title). I see Justin's now selling merchandise to help pay for bandwidth and legal costs... just want to publicly dissociate myself from that... nothing against him doing it for himself or any other of Sal's victims, but that's not my style. [comment]
Had some limited success with my PXE boot; I can at least lynx from the console now! I finally got rid of the initrd altogether and used nfsroot. Here's my /tftpboot/X86PC/pxelinux/pxelinux.cfg/default file:
DEFAULT vmlinuz-2.4.22 ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=/nfsroot init=/init
And here's the /init file I've currently got (this will change a lot by the time I'm done)...
#!/bin/bash PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin if [ "$$" != "1" ]; then echo This must only be run directly by the kernel as the init process >&2 exit 1 fi dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram0 bs=1024 count=4096 mke2fs -q /dev/ram0 &>/dev/null mount -n /dev/ram0 /tmp &>/dev/null dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram1 bs=1024 count=4096 mke2fs -q /dev/ram1 &>/dev/null mount -n /dev/ram1 /etc &>/dev/null dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram2 bs=1024 count=4096 mke2fs -q /dev/ram2 &>/dev/null mount -n /dev/ram2 /var &>/dev/null cp /ref/etc/inittab /ref/etc/defaultdomain /etc cp /ref/etc/ld.so.* /etc cp -r /ref/etc/rc.d /etc cp /ref/etc/{protocols,services} /etc mkdir -p /var/yp /var/run /var/log /var/spool echo /dev/nfs / ext2 ro 0 0 > /etc/fstab echo /dev/ram0 /tmp ext2 rw 0 0 >> /etc/fstab echo /dev/ram1 /etc ext2 rw 0 0 >> /etc/fstab echo /dev/ram2 /var ext2 rw 0 0 >> /etc/fstab cp -f /etc/fstab /etc/mtab mount -t proc proc /proc mount -o rw,gid=5,mode=620 -t devpts devpts /dev/pts cp /proc/net/pnp /etc/resolv.conf exec /bin/bash -l
That /proc/net/pnp solution is pretty neat, don't you think?
Now I'm working on /etc/rc.d/rc.S, but just fucked up. I had hardlinked
everything (cp -rl /etc /var /nfsroot/ref
), and, fool that I
am, edited the copy under /nfsroot/ref, expecting it to create a new inode
when I saved the modified version. Of course you can't count on that, so
I lost the original. I think the changes I made were done in such
a way as to not mess with a normal boot, but can't risk it. Got to get a
clean copy of rc.S and check.
Getting too sleepy, I'll maybe call it a night. [comment]
I ought to buy a nice big hard drive, and slurp down archive.org's eBay cache. Then I could search it for evidence... unfortunately it doesn't have the item detail pages, but I could at least match Sal's known sales against product titles and get a better idea of what he traded when. There may be other archives of which I'm not aware, too... it's a big web out there. Maybe I'll get good enough at this to specialize in web research! [comment]
Spelling errors are of course Sal's not mine:
From: "mich" <mich617@comcast.net>[comment]
To: <jcomeau@jcomeau.com>
Subject: Come one now!
Listen john,now once again you are mistaken. Read that lexus post again.It says clearly that i might sell the cluster on ebay.I didnt say i sold it on there.I didnt sell it at all and still have one here.Stop trying to catch me in lies because once again if people read that post from the lexus club they will see i never acually sold it.
Just stop the nonsence.Im not lieing about it so cut it out.I just cant believe you would go on health boards and say that crap when all i was doing was researching my illness.That wasnt cool at all.One thing you are right about and thats my father lived with me for a while and used the computer all the time in his own room and i never used that old computer so i wouldnt of knew what was going on there.
Im trying to sell my car to get you and others money but yet you keep talking trash about me.I could be a ass and just say screw it and dont do nothing at all and deal with the law and take any steps i need to clear my name that way.But i didnt do that now did i?Im trying to help so that everyone is paid and its over with and then i can sue for my money after i find his sorry ass.Now just end it for awhile and i will include you in the refund.I will need proof from all claims before they get paid though.And i didnt see proof yet that you acually paid so i will need to see that before the refunds go out.
My last email so have fun.
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