STEP 1: Set up your C:\BUILDS directory: c: cd \ \cygwin\bin\unzip C:\builds_DIST_BITS\JVW_BUILDS_DIR.TRY.ZIP cd \builds call setenv_arm_ppc.bat find -iname *.exe -exec chmod 777 '{}' ; find -iname *.dll -exec chmod 777 '{}' ; STEP 2: DO ONLY ONCE ON ANY GIVEN PC! (Not needed, but gets rid of a lot of warning messages) call c:\builds\02_do_once.bat STEP 3: Pull Down the source code by running: call c:\builds\03_PullDownSourceCode.bat STEP 4: Build actual executables by running one of the following: FOR PPC DEVICE-SPECIFIC BINARIES: call c:\builds\04_make_arm_ppc.bat FOR PPC DEVICE-SPECIFIC DEBUG BINARIES: call c:\builds\04_make_arm_ppc_dbg.bat FOR PPC EMULATOR-SPECIFIC BINARIES: call c:\builds\04_make_emu_ppc.bat FOR PPC EMULATOR-SPECIFIC DEBUG BINARIES: call c:\builds\04_make_emu_ppc_dbg.bat If these instructions work for you, please let me know! You also should not HAVE to have the Smartphone 2003 SDK installed unless you are building for the Smartphone device. Or, at least, that is the intention! John John Wolfe