Now, if you happen to have a little more cash, order some coffee. It's not the best in town (that's, arguably, just up the street at Kinley's), but it has some flavor, meaning it's not from a big red plastic container with the German word for "follower" on it, unless these guys have some kind of magic. You can also get the Middle Eastern coffee, if you can stand the aromatic wallop of cardamom. Both the Israelis and the Lebanese drink this awful concoction; I can't help but wonder if its abolition would help the peace process over there.
I've never been there when it's full; both times were in the afternoon between the lunch and dinner crowds. The server was a pleasant young Middle Eastern-looking dude, and though the place has no "atmosphere" to speak of, the seats are comfortable enough that you can sit around for a while and enjoy your food. Hum to yourself if you want some music.
Que aproveche!