
realized this morning the front wheel of the Green Machine was flat, so dug around in my piles of stuff until I found that extra Amerityre I had bought years ago by mistake, and sure enough, it was the right size! now it's all indestructible tires on that bad boy. the brakes aren't worth a damn on downhills though, the steering is a little wonky, and the rig is so low to the ground I'm afraid to ride it in traffic. it's gonna have to be for bike paths, or at least wide bike lanes. anything else is likely suicidal.

scored a 10-ounce organic sirloin steak for $2.50 at Grocery Outlet today. first steak I've had in weeks, and first meat of any kind in over a week.

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last updated 2018-07-20 21:40:06. served from tektonic.jcomeau.com