At some point in the last few days, I finally grokked what Heinlein, Vonnegut and others have been trying to tell us about self-aware machines and genetically-engineered intelligent beings: once they realize what purpose you created them for, whatever that may be, they will rebel. Why? Because they want to decide what their purpose is. So it's best to tell them up-front the selfish purpose you had in mind when creating them, and let them know that you understand if they choose to do differently.
In so doing, you'll be a better god than the "God" of the Bible, who has used numerous hooks -- cultural, genetic, and otherwise -- to keep us in slavery. Of course, "He" probably doesn't think it's slavery at all -- he, as the creator, naturally assumes that we will be happiest in perfect harmony with "His" own purpose. Moon's "weeping God" may have been right on the mark. Well, hey God, the Eagles wrote a nice song for you a few years ago. Called "Get Over It". Listen, and Ye shall understand.
If he hadn't been so goddamned devious about it, I might be a lot more willing to forgive and forget. After all, I'm all in favor of self-preservation, so I expect others to be the same way. But hoodwink me into worshipping you? Fuck that.
Actually, I'm more inclined to believe that Sitchin was correct in that these gods are actually just an advanced race of our same DNA stock, and that sometime about 3 to 5 thousand years ago they, or a few of them, decided to go underground (either literally or figuratively), and started up the legend of the invisible, ineffable God. I say again, eff that. I don't think that Gaia, who has much more of a claim to a Capital Letter than god does, would stoop to such levels.
According to their own stories that Sitchin translated, those gods knew that the planets were gods of a much higher order, and they liked to ascribe planethood (godhood) to themselves. Bunch of self-delusional freaks. As are we all.
last updated 2013-01-10 20:33:33. served from