BM watch: stool a little harder than normal but still came out easily with minimum residue and no noticeable smell. This McDonald's diet, supplemented by some nuts (almonds and/or sunflower seeds not cooked in soy oil), bananas, and the occasional cactus fruit or prickly pear leaf, seems to be working out well for me. I could do without yesterday's moodiness though, so today will try to take it easier on the carbs.
You may be wondering why I'm sharing all this with you. "More than I needed to know" I can hear someone saying. Well, the answer is that I am recording this mostly for my own future reference. I'm making it public because I think other people can benefit from my experimentation without having to suffer some of the more extreme mistakes I made (the yucca stalk for example). Now that I've simplified my life to the point where "what I eat" becomes the primary focus of the day, I can really pay attention, for the first time in my life, to these details and observe how changes in diet can affect my moods, my smell, my energy level, and yes, my bowel movements. When I was working, I would try to keep track of this stuff but it always fell through the cracks when some important work started hogging my attention. Which happened regularly.
last updated 2013-01-10 20:24:15. served from